Safety Glasses Display Exceeds Standards


Corrugated Eye Wear Display

What’s the space-age plastic that’s appeared in everything from astronaut helmet shields to children’s glasses? It’s called polycarbonate, a synthetic resin comprised of polymer units which are linked through carbonate groups, including many molding materials and films.

Some grades of polycarbonates are optically transparent, such as those used to manufacture safety glasses. From professionals who require eye protection to the do-it-yourselfer, safety glasses are an important piece of equipment. This Design Insight will highlight a creative mini wing and the unique approach taken to showcase the product and maintain budget margins.


Corrugated Eye Wear Display

This design consists of two pieces, a tray and a riser. To help increase ROI on a lower priced SKU, the tray was produced using one piece of printed corrugate.

To achieve the look, the left side graphic panel wrapped around to the front, enabling all of the ‘angled product chutes’ to be individually tabbed into the back wall of the display. Minimal board was used to retain the product, allowing great visibility for shoppers. Additional copy was printed behind the safety glasses to reveal a message as product was sold off.

The design approach taken on this mini wing is unique as you will see below when clicking through other examples of eyewear displays. If you have an exceptional design that you think would be a good fit for our Insights series, feel free to reach out and contact us for details.

NFL Sunglasses Shelf Display

Berkley Polarized Fishing Glasses Side Kick

Gloria Vanderbilt Sunglasses Display

If you want to view additional images of eyewear displays, click here to visit our image gallery where you can search via category selection or by using our predictive search option.