Color-Change Technology
Del Sol kicks mid-summer into high gear with this side kick display that encourages shoppers to try out their Spectrachrome® technology. To better understand how the technology works, visit the brand’s site or read below.
How Color Change Works:
Del Sol’s Spectrachrome® crystals, used in its color-change technology, reveals color upon irradiation by ultraviolet waves; i.e., sunlight. When a flower blooms, the result is the exposure of the inherent color of the flower. A Spectrachrome® crystal is similar in that an energy-shift occurs causing the color of the dye to become visible to the human eye. The shifting or “twisting” of the dye is referred to as a molecular excitation transition. The dye actually becomes visible to the human eye. NASA explored it for their space program, and Del Sol engineered and enhanced it for everyone under the sun! It’s not rocket science but, then again, maybe it is.∗
Del Sol teamed up with Walmart to launch this interactive side kick display that merchandised nail polish and hair accessories which use their color-changing technology.
A Try It Here niche was designed into the center copy panel which enabled shoppers to place products inside the box to activate the color-changing technology. We tried it and can confirm it works!
Sources include:
Del Sol∗