Lenovo Tablets
End Cap

Best In Class Tablet Display

Case Study – Lenovo Tablets Australia-based EDA teamed up with Lenovo to design and manufacture a modular bespoke counter display to showcase their new range of standard and premium tablets.   EDA skillfully interpreted Lenovo’s […]

OPI Hollywood Collection

OPI Display Takes The Walk of Fame

Spring Hollywood Collection In celebration of its 40th anniversary, OPI recently launched a new line of colors named the Hollywood Collection. Broken up into three categories: the brights, the classics, and the glitz……..the collection commemorates […]


Newest Single-Serve Beverage Pusher System

The newest single-serve beverage pusher system; ZipTrack® single-serve beverage pusher system has been introduced by Trion Industries. Each product lane quickly adjusts to fit skinny Red Bulls to oversize Gatorades while consistently keeping each drink […]

My Dog Nose It

My Dog Nose It Shelf Display

A natural, safe and water resistant sun protector for your best friend! Just like humans, dogs can get burned from sun exposure, particularly on parts of the body that are sparsely covered with hair. According […]

Allen + Roth

Shelf Display Spins Up Selections

1. Select Finish > 2. Choose Rod Length > 3. Pick Finial Allen & Roth, Lowe’s signature home décor brand, is helping shoppers create drapery hardware sets with this interactive shelf display. About the brand…….allen […]